Tag Archives: Times

News International …

Well, this one’s been running and running …

With all of the other stuff that’s going on, the way that the other News International titles don’t really suggest massive corporate remorse.

Yesterday’s Times, for example, attacks the judiciary. Ironically, one of the few UK structures that hasn’t been corrupted (the politicians and police are both tainted).

And to read today’s article in the Sun, you’d think that it’s the allegations that are “disgusting” – rather the actions of the paper. It has the gall to drag out a quote citing the Daily Mail as the ‘worst “practioner in the dark arts”‘.

Of course, the other bulwark against the Murdoch empire’s total domination of the UK media is the BBC. Which also, of course, comes under fire on a regular basis.

It looks like Andy Coulson is going to be hung out to dry. Which will, of course, cause Dave a whole lot of embarrassment. And the News of the World is to shut – which is a shame for any honest journos. But at least Rebekah seems to be keeping her job – unless, of course, someone’s taken copies of the incriminating emails…

And now we can see the media starting to realise that there’s a real danger that this could lead to effective regulation of standards in the newspaper industry. So they’re starting to jostle for airtime to stress the importance of the Freedom of the Her Majesty’s Press.