Tag Archives: solicitors

ACS: Law ceases to pursue “illegal file-sharers”

The BBC has reported that ACS: Law has ceased to work in the area of pursuing “illegal file-sharers”. seefirst doesn’t agree with copyright theft, but – if the reports of their business practices are accurate – ACS’s practices were running close to demanding money with menaces.

Andrew Crossley – the solicitor who headed up the law firm – has cited threats he has received as the reason for his withdrawal from this market segment.

I’m sure the irony of this won’t be lost on those who’ve been following the case.

ACS is currently under review by the Information Commissioner – following the disclosure of confidential information on it’s website. That information apparently included bank account details and (in some cases) card security codes (something that merchants are never supposed to record).

ACS is also under investigation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, as are other firms which been over-enthusiastic in chasing the opportunities afforded by the Digital Economy Act (which was rushed through Parliament as part of the “wash up” before the 2010 election).