Category Archives: Not entirely serious

How about Performance-Related Pay for MPs ?

MPs are due to get an 11% pay rise after the next election.

Many voters aren’t in favour.

Personally, I think they should be given a process they’re applying to other public servants. Performance -related pay.

So how would this work ? How do we tell if our representatives are doing a good job ?

I’d say the pay award should be given if :

  • The MP is re-elected with a turnout of 75% of the electorate, or an increase of 15% on the previous vote.


  • (for safe seats) They submit to an open primary process, with at least three candidates. The whole of the electorate (not just party members or “supporters”) would be entitled to vote. It seems to have worked in electing Sarah Wollaston  (which is probably why we won’t see it happen very often in future).


The FIFA shambles

International football has been corrupt for a long time. This is probably the first major scandal since there’s been quite so much money swilling around, though.

I think we should forget about democracy, and do what all the other power players do. Think of Russia and Georgia.

The money is in UEFA. Particularly in the Champions League, England’s Premiership, Italy’s Serie A and Spain’s Primera Liga. Without those, FIFA would lack the little credibility remains to it.

If those national football associations were to get together, then they could leverage UEFA.

And UEFA could leverage FIFA.

Especially if the sponsors start to get cold feet (as seems to be happening) about paying monrey to be associated with a corrupt bureaucracy.

As I write, however, there’s a rumour that UEFA is indeed making a power play. But of course, it’s another behind-closed-doors deal, apparently with the objective of setting up Michel Platini as the new Blatter (despite apparently ruling himself out a couple of days ago). And, of course, there’s always the possibility that the G-14 may resurrect itself – after being disbanded at Platini’s urging – to flex its muscles.

Sometimes, you think, these people just don’t get the point.

Human Rights

The recent furore over letting prisoners vote has brought out the rabid Tory Europhobes. And, of course, at least one loony “think tank” (who elects the think tanks anyway ?).

Now the Tories want a referendum before any more powers are given to Europe. Will I get a referendum when they want to take my Human Rights away from the European Court which has the job of safeguarding them ?

Just for the record (1) – British politicians don’t really understand the idea of “Rule of Law”. They think that if you rule, then you can just change the law …

Just for the record (2) – I don’t have strong feelings either way about prisoners’ votes. Give ’em all the vote in the safe seat where my home is, and it still wouldn’t make a blind bit of difference to the result …

Ofcom regulation ….

The BBC reports the Public Accounts Committee’s conclusion that “It was impossible to determine if Ofcom gives value for money”.

I guess the reason for this is that there’s no benchmark – no competition.

Which I guess, brings us back to the late (and visionary) Screaming Lord Sutch’s question :

“Why is there only one Monopolies Commission ?”