The FIFA shambles

International football has been corrupt for a long time. This is probably the first major scandal since there’s been quite so much money swilling around, though.

I think we should forget about democracy, and do what all the other power players do. Think of Russia and Georgia.

The money is in UEFA. Particularly in the Champions League, England’s Premiership, Italy’s Serie A and Spain’s Primera Liga. Without those, FIFA would lack the little credibility remains to it.

If those national football associations were to get together, then they could leverage UEFA.

And UEFA could leverage FIFA.

Especially if the sponsors start to get cold feet (as seems to be happening) about paying monrey to be associated with a corrupt bureaucracy.

As I write, however, there’s a rumour that UEFA is indeed making a power play. But of course, it’s another behind-closed-doors deal, apparently with the objective of setting up Michel Platini as the new Blatter (despite apparently ruling himself out a couple of days ago). And, of course, there’s always the possibility that the G-14 may resurrect itself – after being disbanded at Platini’s urging – to flex its muscles.

Sometimes, you think, these people just don’t get the point.

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